Thursday, May 21, 2009


the morepeacecorps campaign has made an impact!

Showing incredible political courage, Representative Howard Berman in today's hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee tossed out the administration's $373 million figure for the Peace Corps in FY 2010 and replaced it with $450 million. This is a gigantic step for the Peace Corps, but our legions of returned volunteers must now see to it that the money is appropriated and voted upon and that a new generation of leadership arrives at the Peace Corps ready and able to create a visionary organization that is an integral part of the American presence in the world.

Everyone should pick up the phone between 9 AM to 5 PM and call the White House at 202-456-1111 and tell the operator that we support a bold, new Peace Corps for the new century.

Here is the article that tells it all:

The Birth of the Bold New Peace Corps

by Laurence Leamer. Published in the Huffington Post.

The bold new Peace Corps was born today in room 2172 in the Rayburn House Office Building. It took place as members of the House of Representatives were marking up the Foreign Affairs Authorization Bill authored by Committee Chairman Rep. Howard Berman. For almost every item, the California Democrat kept to the figures in President Obama's budget, but when it came to the budget for the Peace Corps he tossed out the administration's fiscal year 2010 figure of $373 million and made it $450 million. In terms of the overall budget this was chump change, but if the bill passes Congress, the Peace Corps will be able to begin the extensive reform that it needs and to move toward a doubling of the 7,000 volunteers.

Rep. Berman is a loyal Democrat and a team player of the first order. It took courage for him to support this enlarged figure, seemingly opposing the administration's number. In fact, Berman stood up for President Obama's highest ideals and values. Berman supported the movement that elected Obama. Berman saved Obama's own vision.

Obama is the one who in his campaign promised to double the size of the Peace Corps by its fiftieth anniversary in 2011. Obama is the one with a profound understanding of service as an essential feature of the American spirit. Obama is the one who has gone ahead to include in his budget tripling the size of the domestic volunteers to a massive 275,000.

What is increasingly apparent is that at its top levels, the Obama administration does not realize that it has reneged on the President's fervent campaign pledge. I know how unlikely that sounds, but it is the truth, and Berman has done the President an immense service.

If the Peace Corps is able to reinvent itself for the 21st century, Berman will deserve a place not simply in the history of the organization but in a new American presence in the world. He does not stand alone. The politician was accepting figures in a bill written by Rep. Sam Farr, cosigned by 120 of his colleagues.

Obama has a plate piled to overfilling with an endless heaping of intransigent problems, and it is understandable why he has not paid attention to the Peace Corps. But the time has come in the next few weeks when he can ensure this bold new Peace Corps will be a reality.

Obama has a blueprint of what must be done sitting on his desk: the twenty-page transition document written by his own team. The impressive piece of work manages to be both positive about the Peace Corps and its role in the world, and yet honing in on the problems of the organization and suggesting how they can be fixed so that the volunteer base can be broadly expanded.

This bold new Peace Corps needs a bold new leader with the initiative, energy and decisiveness to turn the organization from a child of the Sixties until a vibrant creature of the 21st century. That's the immediate task the Obama administration has before it, choosing a new director and an equally impressive deputy director. With the added budget, they and their associates will have one of the greatest opportunities in government.

Rep. Berman has written a new beginning for the creation of a bold new Peace Corps. It's up to the rest of us now who care about the Peace Corps to work to see that it becomes a reality. The first thing we should all do is to call the White House at 202 456-1111 and tell the operator that we support a bold, new Peace Corps for the new century.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

waiting? lol what is that.

So no new updates from placement, but this is expected for a late november nomination. What I am looking foward to is the month of June that is filled with things to take my mind off of this waiting nonsense. I will be in the keys for 5 days the first week of June for my good friends Jason and Jen's wedding, congratulations guys! Then a few days days of work here and there before the real vacation starts... 7 days in the British Virgin Islands sailing around on a catamaran the last week of June. It will be a relief as the weather here in Gainesville has been that of Seattle's for the past week. Where did this rain and cold front come from? Anyway 2 and half hours until my weekend starts, hopefully the weather will clear so the pool and BBQ can be of some use!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Packing List

This will be my ever growing list of things I will take to Africa. I have picked up a lot of valuable information from RPCVs and if I dont start to write this stuff down I will definitely forget something.

Leathermans tool


2in1 Shampoo



Nail Clippers

Razor/Razor Blades

Lip Balm

Nalgene Water Bottle

Lap Top?

Bungee Cord?

Ipod filled to brim with music -> Jon you will make this happen



Swiss Army Knife

Lightweight Tent

Sleeping bag

Extra Sets of Strings/Picks

Large Hiking Pack

Day Pack

Tooth brushes/ Tooth Paste

Hiking Boots


Pair Dress Shoes

Digital Camera Extra w/ extra memory Sticks

Duct Tape

Surf Wax --> I feel like this will come in handy for something

Zip Ties

HeadLamp flashlight

Various Spices

TacoBell Hot Sauce/ Krystal/Tobasco Etc... --> This is vital




Button Down Shirt/Tie

Solar Power rechargeable batteries with charger


Flash Drive or Portable Harddrive?

Cheap Timex watch, cool velcro band for sure.

Pictures from back home.


Ziplock bags


Solar Calculator

Bath Towel

Bed Sheets


Gatorade mix


More TBA... Suggestions welcome!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Come Pick Me Up

Its remarkable how quickly this year is going by, we are already a week into May! Waiting on placement seems like forever when you count the days, but when I look back at the calender it actually has been flying by. Does anyone else out there have a november leave date? and maybe nominated for an anglophone speaking African country? If so I would love to hear from you, and see how you are keeping your mind of the waiting process! I try and stay busy by working at the lab, playing the guitar, and listening to alot of Ryan Adams. Still looking for another volunteer opportunity here in Gainesville until the end of the year, preferably teaching but Ill take anything. Also any advice on getting a teachers certificate?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Corona Day

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. Unfortunately I have to work tonight but I was introduced to an amazing Mexican restuarant El Indio today that made today somewhat festive for me. A few updates. The morepeacecorps campaign has reached 109 cosponsors and is at its halfway point. This is a huge breakthrough, I continue to urge you guys to go to the website and find out if your representative cosigned yet, and if not bug bug bug bug them. Im still working on Cliff Stearns... Also we finalized the UF PC logo. All it needs now is a little photoshop work and some font that will be decided later, let me know what you think. If your a PC applicant, PCV, or RPCV the shirts will be available in the fall. I just finished my bag of Cape Cod BBQ chips so that means this blog entry is done.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

And its gone! Its all gone!

Here are some more UF PC logo concepts I came up with. Everyones feedback has been great and I think eventually I will hit just what everyone wants lol. Let me know what you think. The sketches are pretty rough, but it will still give you the basic idea. Im thinking the big logo would work on the back of the shirt and maybe the smaller one on the front pocket area? Also if anyone know about any educational/teaching opportunities in Gainesville let me know. I need some volunteer work to do during the summer.